Good morning, loyal readers. Principessa here, bringing you news of buffs & talent overhauls for all the classes we care about. Of course, we care about Priests, and Shadow Priests specifically, most of all. But while I majored in Shadow, I definitely minored in Discipline, and that, my friends, is why I'm so excited!
By all accounts, Patch 3.1 is forthcoming and this looks to be
the big post-expansion-class-balancing fix. I mean, have you SEEN some of the reported changes we have to look forward to? The making of
Divine Spirit a base Priest spell... that alone is making me lick my lips in quivery anticipation.
Malarea: Yeah, how about that Warrior change?
Prin: Ummm... that affects me, how?
Mal: You didn't hear? They'll generate rage from absorbed damage.
Prin: None of us are warriors, dear.
Mal: No - but you occasionally heal one, and with the change it will be purely okay to
PW:S the tank pre-pull.
Prin: pshh. Healing. As IF.
Mal: Maybe you should look into it. Especially since
I'm getting a +crit buff AND a
Replenishment ability.
Prin: No way - that puts BOTH me & Despairity on the sideline!
Tehrawreyes: What about me? Will I get the Warrior fix, too?
Mal: You don't have Rage, Tehr.
Tehr: Sure, I do. Look, I'm pissed right now!
Prin: That's not Rage, it's Runic Power.
Tehr: Well, isn't that kinda like the same thing?
Mal: No one really knows for sure. It's a mystery, rather like the lack of Undead children.
Prin: I tend to think, NO - the RP bar is far too soothing a color to be really angry. Just more like - creative mischief.
Despairity: So there's a balancing patch coming? What am I getting?
Mal: A new icon, probably. Look - it's such a pretty pink color, now.
Mal: Yeah... (eyes glazed over) ...such a pretty pink color.
Hawli: I'm not going to have to carry ammo, anymore. There's that.
Mal: Oh, great, like YOU really needed that. You can carry around crates that have 4 stacks each - I'm still dragging around a
28-slot Soul Shard bag!
Hawli: (smirks) I also get to name my pets.
Mal: My minions are summoned DEMONS. They are not PETS. They are not cuddly, or cute, or even especially loyal. And anyway - why are YOU out here? I thought you got benched.
Hawli: (sadly) Yeah... *wanders off*
Prin: HA! I found something -
Shadowform reduces incoming magic damage and
Dispersion will remove snares.
Mal: Uh huh... that sounds like PvP-related stuff. I mean seriously - how often are you snared?
Prin: That's kind of a personal question, isn't it?
Tehr: Hey! Just saw here that
Gargoyle is going to be the 51 point Unholy talent, and
Unholy Blight will be much less further down the tree. I never use the stupid Gargoyle, so I can free up some of that for the Blood tree!
Mal: Orly? What do you want in the Blood tree?
Tehr: Duh... BLOOD. Seriously?
Improved Rune Tap, baby... then I don't even NEED a healer!
Prin: ...
Prin: You guys suck.